Time for an update right?

Whoops…  this blog kind of fell to the wayside didn’t it?  It’s a little ridiculous how time flies.  Just checked out the last post and it was from Father’s Day.  Geez…  So what’s happened since then?  Well…  we’re told maybe a handful of people since we first found out.  We actually plan on telling his side of the family on Wednesday, 9/18/13, which just so happens to be his mom’s birthday.  SURPRISE!!  He’s been telling me that in the past she’s been hinting to her kids about producing a grandchild, but everyone is kind of into their own thing and living life.  No time for kids when you’re having all that fun!!  Not that you can’t have fun when you have them.  It’s just a matter of managing the time.  We all need our adult time…

Am I still working out?  Of course!!  Though I could do better with the running.  No excuses…  I’ve been lazy.  I don’t really want to do it.  But…  I know I have to because there are two races in October.  The first one is the San Jose Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon which is on 10/6/13.  The other is the Nike Women’s Full Marathon on 10/20/13.  5-1/2 to 6 months pregnant…  Am I insane!?  Yeah…  but I feel good.  I keep active everyday.   I go to the gym and I’m still lifting weights.  It’s not as much as I did before, but that’s okay.  I’m listening to my body and if it’s telling me, “Hold on there sister!!  That’s too heavy and it’s going to make you lightheaded.”  then I’m going to listen.  I don’t want to do anything that would put myself or Baby Sancho in danger.

Eating habits…  I must admit that the first trimester was difficult.  Of course it would be.  Bananas are fine.  There wasn’t any throwing up.  I will get my carb craving and do I succumb to it?  I would say 6 times out of 10 yes.  The other 40% I’m finding something else to eat to satiate that carb craving.  My weird carb craving though:  Toasted sourdough bread and hella butter.  I am not a fan of sourdough.  It smells and tastes funny to me, but Baby Sancho LOVES IT!  I do vow to cut that shiz out once he’s born.  I was doing pretty damn well eating Paleo.  I would say I’m at about 85%, which isn’t too bad.  I would also have to say that the meal prepping went away for the first three months because my cravings and food aversions made it difficult.  What sounded like a tasty meal one day was nauseating the next day.  I would oftentimes eat half and throw the rest out leaving me hungry at the end of the work day.  No bueno.  I remedied the situation by purchasing snacks for work and have stocked up the fridge with fruit, nuts, and other such paleo friendly nonsense.

Second trimester has brought back the food prep.  Yesterday, after chest day at the gym, we stopped at Costco to restock our paleo fridge.  $400…  yes…  $400 later we are set for the next 2-3 months.  What did we get?  Please keep in mind that everything is bulk, so think about 2-3 or even 5 times the size you would normally get in a grocery store.

2 tubs of Coconut Oil

2 bags of Coffee beans

Organic chicken breast (10 lbs), legs (10 lbs)

Organic Ground Beef (8 lbs) and Bison (2.5 lbs)

About 4-5 lbs of beef roast

Pork Shoulder (8-10 lbs)

Baby Back Ribs (10-15 lbs)

Package of 10 tins of Albacore Tuna in Water

Package of 6 tins Sardines in Olive Oil

Vegetables (French beans, brussel sprouts, sweet mini peppers, baby spinach, Mushrooms)

Fruit (Blueberries, Mango)

2 dozen Organic Eggs

2 packages Kerry Gold Butter

1 lb (I think) of Kerry Gold brand Dubliner Cheese

Almond Flour (3 lbs bag), Chia Seeds, Hemp Hearts, Ground Flax Seed Meal (Not sure the weight on the last 3)

Box of Green Tea


I think that’s it.  We made one more stop at Sprouts for 1 gallon of raw organic milk, 2 avocados, 2 packages of uncured bacon, and 1 package of raw sliced mozzarella cheese.  Then it was food prep food prep food prep!!  Chicken breast stuffed with dubliner cheese, mushrooms, baby spinach and garlic.  Meat loaf wrapped in bacon, BBQ pulled pork, pot roast, and then a tray of misc. vegetables.  PaleoJoe cooked us up some bison burgers stuffed with cheese and then made a tomato sauce which I’m pretty sure later today we’ll be putting over some oven roasted spaghetti squash.  I also plan on making an egg plant dish with the leftover sauce and topping it with mozzarella.  Lunch and dinner is complete for the week.

The Baby…  is a boy!  Which I totally knew.  My sisters were teasing me and telling me that it was going to be a girl and she’s going to be just like the Little Miss, but I knew they were wrong.  I even told PaleoJoe that Baby Sancho felt like a boy.  We had an ultrasound on saturday, 9/14 and there he was.  He was moving around a lot so getting a clear picture was a bit difficult.  I had to keep switching positions so that the ultrasound tech and everyone else could get a better view.  Oh and I’m also at that point where I can feel him moving around.  It feels wonderful.  I’m one happy Mama.  We’ve decided to go with a midwife instead of a Dr for this birth.  There are a number of reasons, and the first would have to be $$ and the second would have to be me wanting to be sober for the event.  My last two pregnancies had me attached to an IV, an epidural (which with the first pregnancy got me sick), and a Dr who was only there for 10 minutes and then I never see him again.  Hope, midwife, is amazing.  She is friendly, she’s down to earth, she’s female and has had babies come out of her body so she knows what I am going through, she understands that I was to go natural and have this baby on my terms.  She’s not going to scare me into doing anything “for the baby”.  Did you know that I almost had a C-section with my Little Man because I was so sick and it was getting difficult for me to push?  I sobered up as quick as I could and pushed that sucker out.  I don’t want the doctor cutting me.  I was lying down for both pregnancies.  Gravity and pushing downward is easier if I’m positioned so that point A to point B is a straight line.

Meh…  anyways…  Long story short…  Mama and baby are healthy.  No gestational diabetes, no high blood pressure, weight gain is minimal yet HEALTHY, and… it’s good times.  Not much more for me to say.  Until Next Time…

Posted on September 16, 2013, in Miscellaneous Rants. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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